
AVpack: Changelog

This page will detail the changes to AVpack, both in its current form and also the work in progress versions. I hope this will allow users to see the progress that’s taking place and also be a quick useful guide to existing owners. 😃 📝 Important To ensure you are reading the correct update notes for your AVpack, and to see which release of AVpack you have, type: /version How can I join the AVpack group?
AVpack Multigadget

AVpack Multigadget

History The concept of AVpack came to me in early February 2006. Like probably most people in Second Life – I was trying to locate objects in my inventory which I had created days or even weeks before, and it felt like I spent hours rezzing and deleting copies of things with names like “Object 1..2…3…”. I didn’t like that I had to waste time searching through hundreds of objects just to find the things I wanted to use.

AVpack: FAQ & Feedback

Thanks for your questions folks. I know how boring instructions can be. I will add your questions and answers here as we go along. I hope, this page will aid others in the process. Q. “I was showing my friend the AVPack, but when I type commands like “/rez bot”, I get two bots rezzing out instead of just one!” Are you wearing a language translator HUD? When you speak in open chat the translator HUD is converting your language into another and repeating what you have typed.