


Talk to your own AI!

In this guide, I’ll cover the process which I used to download and install all the necessary requirements to run SillyTavern on Arch Linux. If you have a moderately powerful PC and an NVIDIA GPU, then, by the end of this guide, you will be able to use your microphone to do voice chat with an AI character, then have them respond back with a lifelike voice of their own. You can go on virtual adventures together and even have more than one AI character active, so they can not only talk to you - but with each other!
Manage dotfiles with a "git bare" repository

Manage dotfiles with a "git bare" repository

Sync and share your settings.

Maybe, you’ve bought a new computer, and you want to move your application settings from the old PC to the new one. Maybe your friend wishes to have the same configuration files that you use, but he lives on the other side of the planet. Perhaps you updated some settings at home, but need a quick way to transfer them to your machine at work? Forget ZIP files, email, Dropbox or USB sticks - a git bare repository for managing your dotfiles could just be what you’re looking for.
oobabooga: AI voice chat

oobabooga: AI voice chat

The "Year of the talking toaster" is coming!

I’ve been playing around more with AI tools, and recently discovered a fun way to use your voice to talk to a “conversational AI”. The cool thing about it, is that it can respond back to you using its own voice. This uses (NLP) natural language processing, which is the ability for computers to understand meaning from spoken language. oobabooga! I’ve been using the “text-generation-webui” by “oobabooga”, which is a “gradio” web UI for running “Large Language Models”.
How to run an AI chatbot on Linux

How to run an AI chatbot on Linux

Kill all hoomans!

You may have heard about a little thing called ChatGPT in the news lately. Some say it may be the end of humanity! Others, that it will make everyone unemployed, and our children will be watering crops with sports drinks! While these concerns are debatable, the topic of artificial intelligence is hard to avoid these days. So, I wanted to play around with an AI chatbot on my local PC and see what all the fuss is about.
The Sims 4: Steam on Linux fix

The Sims 4: Steam on Linux fix

Come on EA!

So, you’ve pressed play on The Sims 4 on Steam on Linux, and, annoyingly, you find that the game simply won’t load! The game loaded fine yesterday, but now it’s not working! You’ve probably uninstalled and reinstalled the game only to find that the same thing happens again and again over time. You’ve probably spent long hours customising your Sims, or have a bunch of mods installed which you don’t want to lose.
Fixing GRUB on Arch Linux

Fixing GRUB on Arch Linux

Return to the OS whence you came!

We’ve all done it! We did an update to our system and somehow manage to break GRUB! Now your system won’t boot and your probably feeling a bit lost as to what to do to fix it. In this guide, I hope to show that all is not lost, and that there is a way to salvage your system back to a bootable state. First, don’t worry. Secondly, before you panic and try “Balrog your way past GRUBdolf!
YACReader Install Guide

YACReader Install Guide

Installing YACReader on Arch Linux

๐Ÿ“ This is an old post. You can now install yacreader-bin instead of yacreader. YACReader is a cool cross-platform digital comic book reader. This has been my go-to comic reader on Linux for many years. It has a lot of handy features: Support for a wide range of digital file formats: rar, zip, cbr, cbz, cb7, tar, pdf, 7z, jpeg, gif, png. Support for single/double page reading and full screen mode.


Filter unwanted background noise.

NoiseTorch is a cool little Linux audio app which aims to provide noise suppression for your audio inputs. Whether it be a dog barking outside, someone turning on a hairdryer, the next door neighbour mowing his lawn or a freight train outside your kitchen window, NoiseTorch may be able to filter out those unwanted sounds. Often when I’m gaming and talking to friends, I find myself having to hit the mute button when some random loud noise from my surroundings occurs.