
Thank you for your interest in my items. I love to hear your thoughts and ideas on my creations. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact me. I really value your input, and it's an excellent way for me to improve my products and service to you.

If you are a Second Life® resident, you can message me in the following ways,

Instant Message

Send me an instant message. If I'm online, I will respond to you as soon as possible. Please note, that sometimes I may be away from the keyboard, but I will get back to you when I return.


If you need after sales help with an item, or if you have accidentally deleted, lost or broken an item and you require a replacement - please provide me with the necessary information for me to help you:

  • Your avatar name.
  • Name of item.
  • Date of purchase.
  • Transaction ID.
  • Place of purchase: In-world store or marketplace.
  • Describe briefly what you need help with.

I'll be happy to assist you with any queries relating to my items. The more information you provide, the easier it is for me to help you.

Join My Group

If you can't get hold of me directly, I have a support group in-world to allow users of my items to assist each other, chat, and make new friends. If I'm not available, you may be able to catch one of our group helpers online. Simply join the Space Bums Central group and ask for information on the product you have purchased.


You can use my public email to send me a message. It's also available on my Second Life profile. Please include you avatars full name in your email, so I can reply to you in-world.