iTP: FAQ & Feedback

Got a question? Maybe I've helped others like you. I answer all your questions and comments.

"I paid $300 for your iTP Teleport Pad, but the lengthy manual process to install it took over three hours! I realised your scripts are broken, or hasn't kept up with subsequent Firestorm upgrades. Please send me a fixed update."

I fail to see how it took you a "three hour, lengthy manual process" to set up iTP, when the web guide takes literally five minutes to read! It also has thirty-second long video, showing how to set up the locations.

I use iTP at my in-world store, and have done so for over fifteen years. Why would I create "broken scripts" for something I use every day? All my scripts are tested and debugged months in advance before pushed for final release.

Please learn to take the time to read, and stop demanding developers fix things which you assume are broken because you have not fully read the documentation.

My iTP pads work on the Second Life grid - so, I'm not sure what "subsequent Firestorm upgrades" has to do with anything, as that is merely client software which you use to connect to the Second Life grid.

I always, one hundred percent, support people using my products. However, you need to put in the minimal amount of effort first, using the information I have already provided to you in the product documentation.

Q. "Supa! I love my iTP teleporter pads. Quick q. Is it possible to have more than one person use the pads to travel at the same time?"

Hi there! Yes. If you sit on the iTP pad, then press the Beams dialog button until it says Group Beam in chat. This beam has extra spots for others to sit on and travel with you.

Q. "Uhm dude! I rezz the pad on the floor and when I sit on it nothing happens!!! Wait, I'm dumb I rezzed it on land with no scripts enabled."
