
Free-swimming Piranha Rezzer

Free-swimming Piranha Rezzer

Piranha are well known for their ferocious appetite. With hundreds of snapping little teeth, they make short work of prey ten times larger than themselves. If you don’t have a guard dog at home, then a few of these little mosters in your pond or river could be just the answer to keep unwanted avatars out! The good thing about Piranha is that they will eat any remaining evidence! Thank you for purchasing the “Free-swimming Mesh Piranha Rezzer”.
The Virtual Aquarium

The Virtual Aquarium

The Virtual Aquarium was set up to try and raise peoples consciousness to the wonder and beauty that exists in the natural world. Our virtual interpretation was created with the hopes that people could see how fragile and beautiful this world and the species we all share it with really is. How that delicate ecosystem demands our ultimate respect and protection and where possible to educate on the welfare of that ecosystem.