MX Linux Gaming Tweaks

I moved from “UBUNTU MATE 18.04 LTS” to “MX Linux 18.3 Continuum” about two weeks ago, and I have to say I love it. Although there were little niggles I had to sort out for gaming on this distro.

⚠ These problems may have been fixed after this page was written, so be sure to test things fully before you apply these fixes.

XBox 360 Controller Issues

The first fix, was to stop my wired X-box 360 controller analogue sticks from moving my mouse cursor around the screen. If you have this problem too, you can fix it by creating,


Edit it with the following,

1Section "InputClass"
2    Identifier "joystick catchall"
3    MatchIsJoystick "on"
4    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
5    Driver "joystick"
6    Option "StartKeysEnabled" "False" 
7Option "StartMouseEnabled" "False"

Save the file and relog. The next time you log in to your session, your X-box controller will not move your mouse cursor around the screen, but will still function as normal in games.

Esync on MX Linux

The next was to enable “E-Sync” for MX Linux. MX Linux doesn't use “Systemd” by default. So, to enable the same functionality for Esync as I had under Ubuntu, I did this in terminal,

1 sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf

at the bottom of the file you'll see

1 #<domain>      <type>  <item>         <value>
1- under "<domain>", enter your username (in my case it is "supa") 
2- under "<type>", set it to "hard" 
3- under "<item>", set it to "nofile" 
4- under "<value>", set that to "524288"


1#<domain>      <type>   <item>         <value>
2supa           hard     nofile         524288

:memo: Ensure to remove the # sign on the same line as your username for the changes to take effect on your next login.

Save the file changes. The next time you run a Windows game in “Lutris”, it will no longer complain about Esync limits not being set. After I applied these changes, Lutris no longer complained about Esync, and I was good to go for gaming on MX Linux.